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Welcome to the definitive guide to entertaining in the home! Savoir Faire inspires you with fun, creative ways to mark life's events. No matter how big or small, how routine or complicated we’ll make you a pro!

Even more good news – now you can watch Savoir Faire on line right here! Catch Nik Manojlovich’s tips and tricks and tap into his infectious enthusiasm whenever you want! Nik’s got ideas for any kind of celebration – birthdays, anniversaries, theme events, weddings - even a Hoe Down! He’ll transform your event into an extraordinary success!

But life’s not just about parties. Nik and Savoir Faire are here to help you set up your first kitchen, to give you a week’s worth of meals from one grocery shop, to share the best household hints ever! All of Nik’s tips and recipes are also available on each show page.  Sit back, watch and get some great ideas.  Above all…

Savoir Faire with Nik Manojlovich